Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pregnant on Purpose

Apparently, a group of teenage girls in Gloucester, MA made a pact to all get pregnant and raise their babies together. The number of pregnant girls at the local high school has quadrupled this year. School officials began to pay attention when an unusual number of girls began filing into the nurse's office for pregnancy tests. Many of them seemed more upset when they weren't pregnant, than when they were.

Community officials are denying that there was ever a "pact", but regardless, these girls represent an alarming trend...teenagers getting pregnant on purpose. Little girls having babies. But what else do they represent?

Little girls...who are so lonely and desperate for love that they will give away their bodies and their futures to a boy who will throw them away when he is done with them.

Little girls...whose daddies never said "You are a treasure worth more to me than all the gold in the world." Little girls whose daddies never said anything to them.

Little girls...who delude themselves into thinking that babies are all dimples and bows and have no idea of the realities of childbearing and childrearing.

Little girls...whose mothers never told them they were precious and held them when they cried.

Little girls...whose school tried to fill in the gap and teach her about choices and consequences, but it was too little, too late, and seemed irrelevant coming from someone she had no personal relationship with.

Little girls...who were written off by the adults in her life when she began to fit a "certain profile" and who live in a state of self-hatred and shame.

Little girls...that somewhere along the way, had their dreams dashed, their hopes squandered, and their future tossed away.

It breaks my heart.

Dream big, my little girl, you are treasured and precious, and God has a big plan for your life.


Don said...

Well put Robin. It saddens me as well.

Jonnie said...

This needs to be "out there" more than just on your blog... trust me, I was one of the lonely! Pregnant at 18 and not married but did marry to "make a family" with my - not- even - graduated husband... let all girls know... they pick and choose... choose Christ!